| Standard Model at Ultimate Precision


Journal publications

Standard Model at Ultimate Precision

Journal publications

  • CMS Collaboration, Measurement of the Drell-Yan forward-backward asymmetry and of the effective leptonic weak mixing angle using proton-proton collisions at 13 TeV, arXiv:2408.07622
  • X. Shen, S. Amoroso, J. Gao, K. Lipka, O. Zenaiev, A framework for simultaneous fit of QCD and BSM parameters with xFitter, arXiv:2407.16061
  • CMS Collaboration, Review of searches for vector-like quarks, vector-like leptons, and heavy neutral leptons in proton-proton collisions at √s = 13 TeV at the CMS experiment, arXiv:2405.17605
  • CMS Collaboration, Searches for Higgs boson production through decays of heavy resonances, arXiv:2403.16926
  • CMS Collaboration, Review of top quark mass measurements in CMS, arXiv:2403.01313
  • S. Amoroso et al. Compatibility and combination of world W -boson mass measurements, EPJC 84 (2024) 5 451, arXiv:2308.09417
  • A. Belvedere, C. Englert, R. Kogler, M. Spannowsky, Dispelling the √L​ myth for the High-Luminosity LHC, EPJC 84 (2024) 715, arXiv:2402.07985
  • Anisha, C. Englert, R. Kogler, M. Spannowsky, Higgs boson off-shell measurements probe non-linearities, PRD 109 (2024) 095033, arXiv:2402.06746
  • M. Defranchis, J. Kieseler, K. Lipka, J. Mazzitelli, Running of the top quark mass at NNLO in QCD, JHEP 04 (2024) 125, arXiv:2208.11399
  • T. Mäkelä, A. Hoang, K. Lipka, S. Moch, Investigation of the scale dependence in the MSR and MSbar top quark mass schemes for the tt-invariant mass differential cross section using LHC data, JHEP 09 (2023) 037, arXiv:2301.03546
  • S. Amoroso, F. Vazzoler, et al., Probing the weak mixing angle at high energies at the LHC and HL-LHC, PLB 844 (2023) 138103, arXiv:302.10782
  • CMS Collaboration, Measurement of the top quark pole mass using tt+jet events in the dilepton final state at √s = 13 TeVJHEP 07 (2023) 77, arXiv:207.02270
  • CMS Collaboration, Measurement of the jet mass distribution and top quark mass in hadronic decays of boosted top quarks in pp collisions at √s = 13 TeVEPJC 83 (2023) 560,  arXiv:2211.01456
  • J. Gao, X. Shen, et al, Probing the Higgs trilinear self-coupling through Higgs+jet productionPRD 107 (2023) 115017, arXiv:2302.04160
  • Tangerine group, Towards a new generation of Monolithic Active Pixel SensorsNIMA 1047 (2023) 167821
  • P. Schütze et al., The EXTRA-BL4S experiment for the measurement of the energy and angular distributions of transition radiation X-raysJINST 18 (2023) P04017
  • P. Schütze et al., Cherenkov diffraction radiation emissions from single electrons and positrons on a fused silica radiatorNIMA 1052 (2023) 168287
  • CMS Collaboration, Running of the top quark mass from proton-proton collisions at √s ​= 13 TeVPLB 803 (2020) 135263, arXiv:1909.09193 
  • O. Zenaiev, M.V. Garzelli, K. Lipka, et al. (PROSA Collaboration), Improved constraints on PDFs using LHCb, ALICE and HERA heavy-flavour measurements and implications for the predictions for prompt atmospheric neutrino fluxes, JHEP 2004 (2020) 118, arXiv:1911.13164