| Standard Model at Ultimate Precision


Summary of research topics

Standard Model at Ultimate Precision

Summary of research topics

The scope of our research covers both physics analysis, phenomenology, upgrade of the outer tracker of CMS for HL-LHC, generic detector development and medical applications. 

Physics Analysis within CMS

We are working in different areas addressing highest-precision measurements of the fundamental parameters of the Standard Model and their correlation with the parton distribution funcitons (PDFs) of the proton. Our activities within CMS experiment at the LHC encompass the following major directions:

In comprehensive QCD+SMEFT or SMEFT+EW analyses we extract the SM parameters, PDFs and the couplings of possible higher-dimentions operators of new physics, simultaneously. Furthermore, we investigate Machine Learning based methods for best efficiency of the simulation in CMS in the future HL-LHC running.


CMS Phase II Outer Tracker Upgrade

For the HL-LHC phase, the tracking detector of the CMS experiment will be replaced by a new device capable of coping with the immense particle flux and a high expected level of radiation damage. At the same time, for the first time in an LHC experiment, the tracking detector will contribute to the Level-1 trigger, based on a pT discrimination. The DESY CMS group is involved in this upgrade project as one of the large production sites, building more than 1000 detector modules, as well as assembling one of the two endcaps. Our group contributes to construction and the testing of detector modules (P. Schuetze, A. Ventura Barosso, D. Rastorguev, L. Sommer)

Tangerine project - Designing the next generation of silicon detectors

Towards Next Generation Silicon Detectors (Tangerine): the large, cross-divisional working group at DESY aims for the devopment of novel silicon pixel detectors based on the 65 nm process, a semiconductor fabrication mode with feature sizes in this order of magnitude. One part of this project is the design of a silicon pixel detector to be used as a reference detector at the DESY II Test Beam Facility, with potential applications in future lepton collider experiments in mind. We contribute to the development of a Monte-Carlo simulation tool for estimating the performance of different designs before a prototype production, and the testing of prototypes using a TCT setup, where a laser is applied to generate charge carriers in the silicon detector (P. Schuetze, D. Rastorguev).


Silicon sensors can be applied in different fields, among others in medical imaging. In this proposal we use a strongly collimated (low emittance) electron beam from a linear accelerator, which is scattered at the to-be-investigated sample. Detecting the transverse beam profile allows for an estimation of the material budget in the beam path. Resolving this material budget spatially allows for 2D and even 3D imaging equivalent to conventional X-rays. The goal of this project is to study the potential and the limits of this technique regarding the use as a diagnostics tool in the range of radiation therapy (P. Schuetze).